Thursday 31 October 2013

Thrifty Thursday - Pallets


Here in Christchurch we know how inventive you can be with the humble pallet = check out the Pallet Pavilion.  I've been wanting to tackle a pallet project for a while, however as you can see there are many possibilities and for someone who is a little indecisive this could be a tricky one!

A coffee table?

Something for the garden?

Something for Lily's room?

A workspace?

Something for the wall?

Somewhere to relax?

A secret stash?

 Something a little festive?

For more inspiration and sources check out my Pinterest Board - Upcycled Pallets

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Trick or Treat Tuesday

Halloween is just around the corner (Thursday in fact) so here is some inspiration for you if feel like creating a little spook at your house.  The question is tricks or treats?  I say both!

For more ideas and sources check out my Halloween Pinterest board

Monday 21 October 2013

Market Mashup - What's on the Market Calendar.............

Tis' the season for Markets so I thought I would compile a handy list of upcoming markets for you.  As you can see there's a lot on the calendar!  I hope to see you at some of these either shopping or stalling it (in a good way).  Also if you know of any other Market events please contact me and I can add to the list or comment below.

Anissa Victoria's Twilight Vintage Market
Date: 25th October (every Friday night)
Time: 4pm - 8pm
Venue: Pallet Pavilion 

Lost and Found Festa Night Market
Date:  Sat 26th and Sun 27th of Oct
Time: 6pm - 12am
Venue: Cathedral Square
Official Website:

Rolleston Community Market
Date: Monthly Market on Sunday 27th October, Xmas Market 24th November
Time: 10am - 1pm
Venue: Rolleston Community Centre
Official Website:

The Christmas Country Fete (Culverden)
Date: Thursday 31st October
Time: 10am-4pm
Venue: 'Wynyard'
Cost: $20
Official Website:

Oxford Country Garden Fete
Saturday 2nd – Sunday 3rd November 2013
Time: 10am-4pm
Venue: Ribblesdale Gardens, Corner Oxford and Barracks Roads, Oxford
Official Website:
Ticket Info: Payment at the Gate on Entry
Pricing: $15 Adults, Children under 12yrs free

Shabby Chic Market
Date: Sunday 3rd November (1st Sunday of every month)
Time: 11am - 3pm
Venue: Rochester Villa
Official Website: Shabby Chic Market Day

Not Just Babies Market
Date: Saturday 9th November
Time: 9am - 12pm
Venue: Christchurch Park, 250 Westminster St, St Albans
Official Website:

Manderley Home & Garden Festival
Saturday 9th–Sunday 10th November 2013
Time: 10am
Venue: 3875 ChristchurchAkaroa Rd Little River
Official Website:
Pricing: Adult $15 Under12 free

Lost and Found (formerly The Craft Collective)
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Market
Date: Sat 16th Nov
Time: 10am - 3pm
Venue: CPIT
Official Website:

Shop Me Pretty
Shop Me Pretty Twilight Garden Fete
Date: Saturday 23rd November
Time: 2pm - 8pm
Venue: 280 Hasketts Road, Yaldhurst
Official Website:

Craft Love Festival
Date: Friday 29th November 2013
Time: 5pm to 9pm
Venue: Mairehau High School
Official Website:

Girls Night Out
Date: Thursday 21st November
Time: 6pm to 9pm
Venue: Belfast Rugby Clubrooms
Official Website:

Bambino Encraftment Market
Date: Saturday December 7th
Time: 10am to 3pm
Venue: Rangi Ruru Girls' School
Official Website: Bambino Encraftment

Christmas Encraftment Market
Date: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th December
Time: 10am - 3pm
Venue: Cathedral Square
Official Website: the blog or

Happy Shopping x

Wednesday 2 October 2013

its not you..... it's me (no really it is)

Its been pretty quiet over here on the blog and  it's not because I won lotto and skipped town , its not really that exciting complicated.

#Computer Crashed
Number 1....
My laptop had another meltdown ( I asked my I.T. Specialist/Hubby if it was because I used it too much and he said no (with I'm sure, what was an exasperated sigh) but I'm pretty sure most things give up when they are overused, underpaid and maybe not loved as much as they should be.  And seeing as I didn't have a computer I watched TV and I kinda liked it (but my IT Specialist/Hubby didn't like it, he's a bit of Remote Control Hog you see).
Number 2.....
You've probably heard me bang on about this next one already but life's pretty busy with a Toddler and I thought the Terrible Twos were a bit of a myth however this has changed quite considerably in the last month since Miss 2 turned 2.  There have been a few meltdowns and not all one sided, however after having a cry think about the whole thing and gaining a little perspective things have calmed down a bit there.  It's so nice to know I have support in this crazy ride that is parenthood and after listening to some wise words a few things have resonated and I have a few strategies that seem to be working (for now).

Number 3...
And then there is work, but work is one of my happy places. I'm  one of those lucky people who found a job that they absolutely love. At the moment it's all hands on deck to get ready for Xmas so that has been keeping me VERY busy.

Number 4....
And then there is the 'I think I'm a creative genius' curse where I have a million ideas in my head and sometimes it gets so intense in there that I throw up my hands in defeat and think I will try again another day. And sooner or later a day turns into a week which turns into a fortnight (you get the idea!)  I have one idea that I'm working on for future markets so keep an eye out for the updates and the reveal.


And finally....
 I decided it was time to throw out the excuses and to look after myself a bit.  The whole body image has come to the forefront, which I swear only happens post Winter/Pre Summer.  I don't want to be skinny - I just want to feel good, not tired and old(er) and I want to feel comfortable in a piece of swimwear that's not reminiscent of a burkha. So I'm learning the art of self control, embracing better food and some long awaited exercise.  Turns out I like the feeling of hunger - who knew??!!

So I'm not breaking up with you, I'm just gathering some thoughts (and speed) and working out a blogging strategy that works for everyone xx
