Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Fun Lunch Series : Part 2 - Fun with Fruit

If we were living in an ideal world, our kids would be eating fruit at all meals. But, let's face it, kids can be fussy little characters and as much as we may want to, we can't force them to eat fruit. But there are ways you can make fruit more exciting to kids and it's all about the presentation (and a little imagination). These fun fruit ideas are a simple way to make it not only fun for you and the kids to whip up a fruit snack but to enjoy it at the same time.

Fun Fruit Shapes
It's amazing what a cookie cutter can do ( we have already seen how they can transform sandwiches!) Check out these fruit shapes cut out with cookie cutters to create some fun ways to eat fruit - kebabs, platters, fruit pops and apples with heart. Another way to cut fruit shapes is with the Funbites cutter which we saw in Part 1 : Hamming up Sandwiches. The Funbites cutter comes in a cube, heart and triangle version.

Turn a boring old banana into a special treat with these cool ideas. From Banana Sushi to Banana Dogs with peanut butter and jelly the possibilities actually are endless!  With a bit more time the Banana Minions look like a lot of fun to make while the banana Dolphin looks a bit easier to create.

Cute Critters
Turn mealtimes into fun times with cute  critters like these strawberry mice and hedgehogs made from pears and grapes.  Sometime a simple idea is the way to get the kids gobbling it down before they realise it's good for them!

Jolly Jelly 

Create a colourful splash at snack time with these eye-catching fruit and jelly combinations.  Just cut up your child's favourite fruit, add the jelly, pop in the fridge to set and you have yourself a fruit-filled snack that the kids will love. 

Frozen Fruit
Kids will eat almost anything off a stick. It's strange, but true. These frozen snacks are  super easy and a healthy alternative to ice blocks. Get the kids to help you assemble their own creations and combos.

Delicious Dipping 
There's just something fun about dipping and I didn't realise how many dips you can make to go with fruit!   While some dips are healthier than others it doesn't hurt to try the naughtier ones from time to time. I am definitely going to try the donut and fruit skewers for a Sunday brunch idea.

Fruit Salad (Yummy Yummy)

Mix up ways to serve fruit salad so it's not all same same.  It's also a great way not to waste any fruit as usually the outside is serving the inside like the watermelon, orange, apple and strawberry fruit cups.  The cones will also encourage picky fruit eaters to try some fruit salad.

And finally, let them eat a little cake…
I have always been a fan of the Watermelon cake and can't wait until Summer when it is in season to try making one.  I think it would be a great Xmas or  BBQ dessert idea.

Now you have seen fun ideas to serve fruit and entice even the fussiest fruit eater the kid's will be wanting you to make fruit a part of every meal.  To check out more ideas and all image sources head to my Pinterest board  – Fun with Fruit.  And now for another............

Giveaway Details :
- to enter, and win the Fun Bites Luv it Cutter, leave a comment describing something you love about me. Just kidding. You can leave a comment about your favourite fruit snack idea, recipe or tip either here or on the Facebook page. Sharing is caring.
- one comment per person
- you must live in New Zealand
- giveaway closes on Monday 5th August. 

Good to know:

- if you like our Fun Lunch sponsors on Facebook you can stay up-to-date on all their goings-on and know about any deals or promotions that pop up, including giveaways. Check them out up there on the sidebar- 
- if you like justalittlebitcute and our sponsors on Facebook you will be the coolest kid in town. (Or something like that). 
- these things will not earn you a second entry, but it will make me and my sponsors appreciate the love
- you can get discount at Yayah Design on Sandwich bags using the coupon code "FunLunch" during the Fun Lunch Series
-you can also get discount from bubbalooz (discount is 15% off on purchases over $25) during the Fun Lunch series.

- make sure there is some way for me to contact you! Leave an email, or have your name clickable to a profile or something.  If there is no way for me to reach you then I'll have to draw another entry!! This has happened previously, so I wouldn't like to do this and disappoint someone!