Wednesday 6 February 2013

Happy 1st Birthday

Image via here

Well its been a year since I started the blog and it has been an interesting journey.  I had big plans to blog every day.  Then it turned into maybe once a week.  Then life took over and reality set in.  I had lots of ideas.  Then writers block came.  Then I decided to get crafty and upcycle the baby food jars. Then I got a new job which I fell in love with.  Then the blog got a bit lost in the craziness of a new job, a writing course, a one year old, markets and the pressures of being a Mum and Wife.  Then I remembered I had a blog.  Then life got into a better routine and everything started to click into place.  Then I started writing again and fell in love.  And here we are a year later.  Thanks for being here reading my thoughts about all things just a little bit cute.  It means the world to me.

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