With the mosquito bites itching less and the sunburn fading, the end of the summer holiday period is over for most of us here in New Zealand. With the holiday memories fading it's time to think about the new year ahead. Where do we go from here? To blog or not to blog? That is the question. I have been thinking about the blog and why I do it. It's simple really, I like to share. And I like to write, so it's a no brainer really.
If I find something cute, upcycled, informative, or all of the above I feel its worthy of a share into the big wide world that is called the internet. I figure if I think it's cute someone else will and that's enough for me.
This year I hope to bring you more of the same but a little different (and still cute of course).
I have decided to structure the blog a little more so things aren't so haphazard but don't be surprised if this does happen - who doesn't love a little crazy now and then?
So here is a brief outline of what to expect -

My Inspiration Monday - bloggers and small businesses, that have inspired me and will most likely inspire you one blog post at a time!

Tutes Cute Tuesday - tutorials of cuteness ranging from how to make a bunting lantern to making a Memory Quilt.

What's Crafting Wednesday or What's cooking Wednesday
I have a Memory Quilt project in the works using Lily's baby clothes and I have also decided there is some improvement needed in our eating habits (code for I need to lose weight/we could eat better around here/need to feel a bit healthier) so I will share some recipes that will revolutionise things at your house (well maybe not revolutionise but you get the idea)

Thrifty Thursday - more projects, inspiration and ideas on upcycling that's cute (of course)

FMS photo a day Friday - This is something I have decided to take part in this year. You can read about it here to get a sneak peek - Fat Mum Slim Photo a day. It's made me look at the world differently already!
And mixed in with this madness will be funnies, giveaways, stories of cuteness everywhere and the odd snippet of how life is at my house..... But for now have a think about what you want out of this year....